BICLOSOL is a chlorine based disinfectant, effervescent (tablets), stable in work solution having a broad spectrum of effectivness. bactericidal, fungicidal, virucidal, tuberculocidal, sporicidal

Disinfection in Food Production

The main categories considered in food production and processing (including handling) were:
- meat and poultry;
- fish and fishery products;
- fresh produce (including hydroponics and sprouts);
- food contact surfaces.

Definition of disinfectants: Substances used in aqueous solutions in food production and processing to eliminate or reduce the number of microorganisms on the food in washing, chilling and other processes.

Poultry processing
When a broiler chicken arrives at the processing plant, it has a substantial number ofbacteria associated with it. During poultry processing, most procedures lower the number of bacteria found oncarcasses.
Chlorine may be added to carcass washers, equipment wash water, immersion chiller water and pre-chiller water.

Process application Use level (mg/l) Exposure time
Pre-chill carcass spray 3–5 free chlorine 5s
Carcass rinse 200 60s
Reprocessing eviscerated carcasses – pre-chill 20-50 NA
Chiller water max. 50 45–60 min
Immersion chill 3–5 free chlorine 10–120 min
Recycling water 5 NA

Red meat processing

The red meat processing industry can be divided into primary and secondary (further) processing.
a)Primary red meat processing
Whereas the muscle tissues of healthy animals are considered sterile before slaughter,the hide, gastrointestinal tract and lymph nodes are sources of a diversity of microbiologicalcontaminants.
Chlorine-based interventions in red meat processing: raw product.

Process application Use level (mg/l) Exposure time(s)
Carcass spray 50 3-5
Primal cut spray 20-50 3-5
Pre-hide removal spray 50 3-5

b)Further red meat processing
Survival of bacteria associated with further processed meats may occur if process control is lost, but the risk is low if adequate cooking and/or curing steps are followed. Products may be contaminated throughout post-lethality processing before final packaging. Therefore, issues related to chlorine use are not as prevalent in further red meat processing as in primary processing.

Fish and fishery product processing
Freshly harvested finfish contain a diverse natural microflora, whose levels may range from 2 to 7 log cfu/cm2. Furthermore, the presence of large amounts of nonprotein nitrogen in fish tissue and the near-neutral pH (>6.0) make fish tissue an ideal medium for growth of bacteria. Shellfish contain similar groups of microorganisms but may also contain the microbial pathogens in the waters in which they grow, as molluscs are filter feeders and concentrate these within themselves.
Chlorine may be added to carcass washers, equipment wash water, immersion chiller water and pre-chiller water.

Application of chlorine-based sanitizers in the whitefish industry

Process application Use level (mg/l) Exposure time
End-point sanitizing of food contact surfaces with postsanitization rinse 25 15 min
End-point sanitizing and cleaning of non-food contact surfaces 50–100 -

Interventions in fish and fishery product processing

Process application Use level (mg/l) Exposure time
Post-harvest rinse of whole or headed and gutted finfish 10 NA
Washing of slaughtered fish pre-processing (salmon) 200 Up to 8 h if transport
Immersion of headless shell on shrimp 50 NA
Treatment of water for depuration of shellfish 5 NA

Fresh fruits and vegetables
Fresh fruits and vegetables are often washed to cool the product and remove field dirt before distribution. Water used to wash fresh produce is often treated with chemical disinfectants to prevent cross-contamination and reduce microbial growth on equipment surfaces. The washing process may also reduce microbial populations on produce surfaces.
Chlorine may be added to carcass washers, equipment wash water, immersion chiller water and pre-chiller water.

Process application Use level (mg/l) Exposure time
Whole product spray, at harvest, pre-cooling 50-200 2-10s
Whole product dip or spray, post-harvest 25 2 min
Flume water for transport of leafy greens 10–50 30 s – 5 min
Flume water for whole fruits and vegetables prior to final wash 3 15 min
Pre-package spray or dip 200 5-10s

Food contact surfaces
The function of the application of chlorine-containing compounds onto hard nonporous food contact surfaces prior to the beginning of a food processing shift is to reduce populations of disease- and spoilage-causing microorganisms that may be present on equipment or utensils after cleaning.
The cleaning and disinfecting programmes associated with food production processes include multiple steps, generally beginning with a pre-rinse with potable water to remove large food soils and debris.

Process application Use BICLOSOL (tb./l) Exposure time
Food contact surfaces 1 tb. / 10l 15 min

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